baber's way
baber's way

baber's way

I’ve been a caterer, culinary instructor, and food truck consultant. Now I’m a software engineer, dad, cook, and tinkerer.

I specialize in the miscellany. Got a strange task? Something broken? Need a weird or clever solution? I’m your guy.

Currently working on projects across a range of interests:

🍳Food Content Creation🫒Food Log🎣Fishing Log🤳Food Ordering🎮World of Warcraft Advisor💰$1000 Per Day

Hungry for more? Check out Instagram and YouTube. You can also follow me on Beli for restaurant ratings or check out my various personal recommendations:

🔪Kitchen Gear🌶️Food Orders🏹Marksmanship🔥Hot Stuff🌐Home Internet

You can reach me at